
Study Help

Page history last edited by Ms Allaker 13 years, 11 months ago


Here are some resources to help you with your studies...

Scroll down the page to find what the moderator had to say for the 2009 essays

Download and type on it or print a copy and write on it...


Authors of primary sources.doc

- A resource to help you organise your quotes for primary sources out of the blue book. Any other primary sources that you have read from notes and powerpoints, add on to the bottom.


Essay layout sheets: Just another way to plan an essay - good for the wall


Essay brainstorm DIVINATION.doc  


Essay brainstorm PRAYER AND SACRIFICE.doc






Essay brainstorm PRAYER.doc





Moderators Report from 2009 

90513 Explain in essay format an aspect of the classical world (2009)



Candidates who were awarded Achievement for this standard demonstrated the required

  • skills and knowledge. They commonly:
  • used the planning page
  • provided a basic essay structure with introduction, paragraphs and conclusion
  • had a general understanding or knowledge of most parts of the question
  • used some Greek / Latin terms where appropriate
  • demonstrated familiarity with primary source material, although many did not give attribution
  • details
  • wrote clearly to provide an explanation but without a sustained response.



Candidates who were assessed as Not Achieved for this standard lacked some or all of the

  • skills and knowledge required for the award of Achievement. They commonly:
  • did not address sufficient parts of the question to provide relevant coverage
  • did not show adequate awareness of primary source material, or made incorrect attributions
  • used irrelevant material or answered off the topic using pre-prepared material
  • described events that were unrelated to the question
  • did not use a discernable essay structure and failed to provide clearly organised paragraphs or an identifiable conclusion.



In addition to the skills and knowledge required for the award of Achievement, candidates

  • who were awarded Achievement with Merit commonly:
  • addressed all parts of the question in some detail, although some treated sections unevenly
  • provided some analysis but without sustained argument through all parts of the essay
  • correctly referred to primary source material, although did not integrate evidence effectively into the analysis
  • used clear paragraph structure and developed ideas logically
  • showed sound knowledge of subject matter, and related this to the question asked.



In addition to the skills and knowledge required for the award of Achievement with Merit,

candidates who were awarded Achievement with Excellence commonly:

  • wrote clearly and fluently
  • covered all aspects of the topic evenly
  • demonstrated a detailed understanding of the subject matter, using supporting evidence that was directly relevant to the question
  • explained and analysed material consistently, maintaining a convincing argument
  • integrated detailed primary and secondary source material into the analysis effectively
  • wrote a logical, well-developed essay with a strong conclusion.


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